Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trust Me If You Can...

Another question emailed to us @


I have been dating a woman that does not trust me at all. I caused this distrust early in our relationship. Since then, I have given her open access to my email, phone records etc. She still does not trust me and I am being 100% true to her. Are we wasting our time? Will there ever be a trusting, loving relationship?


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team and has received 2 responses:

1st response:
The fact that you asked for help says a lot to me about your character and your dedication to your relationship. That is honorable. I would like to tell you that this excessive, "let me prove my love," will not work for your relationship. You will never be able to prove yourself to her enough. She is hurt and it is going to take time for her to get over it; but she has to want the relationship to work and she is going to have to want things to get better.

So many times women say they want things to get better but then they hold on to the negative. If you have made it up in your mind that you would like to change, and be faithful, now it is her turn and if she is as dedicated to this as you are then you will be fine.

I do wonder, what was the reason for cheating? Is there something missing in the relationship or within yourself? If so then this needs to be addressed or it will happen again. If you cheated just because it was early on in the relationship, honestly, many people do. There is a fine line in the beginning stages where you are learning how to be a partnership with someone new. Are we talking, dating, do we go together? It can be a confusing time. I am sure not as confusing as the present.

Communication is most important. People make mistakes, don't beat yourself up about it, and don't let her make you feel bad about it any longer, if you have in fact changed. I am sure that you have apologized and if you didn't do that now, like right now! But seriously there is nothing that you can do about it now except talk it out or move on. Sit her down and tell her how you feel. If you want to build with her, I believe there is hope, but she is going to have to work with you, understand that you are human, and forgive you. Really it is up to her to make the relationship work if you have decided already this is what you want. Is this relationship what you want?

Lucee Lit

2nd response:
Trust is such a precious thing and when it is destroyed sometimes, there is no repair to the relationship. You have taken the steps needed but it is not enough. You need to declare your love for her in a major way. She needs to see more then effort she needs extraordinary! Plan something special you two have never done before. At the end of the night, tell her how you feel, your love for her and the regret felt from your previous indiscretions. Tell her if she is unable to forgive you, it will not last and you have to let her go to find her happiness because that is how much you love her. Put the ball in her court. Although she will not be able to forget, she will see the sincerity and realize how much she loves you and the thoughts in her head will not be as prominent. If she cannot get past the trust issues either she will tell you or you will see the doubt in her face.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

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