Monday, December 12, 2011

Too soon! Dont do it! Reconsider!

This question comes from a sex craved man on the verge of tappin some new new unless his old lady starts serving it up.

Hi I’m 23 white male .I been with my girl friend for 2 years. She want to get married and I do to but I feel like I want to satisfies my sex desires But she is not into having sex that much and she don’t like trying new things. I love her and feel like I might mess things up by cheating. Please help.


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

Dear Blue Balls,

1st response:
I say that you are two young to think about marriage right now especially with a pending problem. It really does not sound like you are sure if she is really “the one.” To me, it sounds like you need to weigh your options. What is more important? If sex is more important, and to some people it is, and that’s ok, then you may need to find someone else. If sex is not that important, then stay with your current girlfriend and invest in some toys or lotion.

Try asking her about her fantasies, everyone has one. Ask her if she is still attracted to you. If you do not communicate it will only get worse. Think about it, if she is 23 and doesn’t want to have sex imagine if she is 40!

Often times, for women, sex is emotional. If you want to make it work then try to connect with your girlfriend on a deeper level. Spend more time talking to her, touching her without the expectation of sex, send cards, send sweet texts, go on dates ect. Communicate with her, tell her how you feel and discuss how you can make it better. She could be stressed, do nice things to relieve that stress, light candles, run hot bubble baths, rub her feet. Put in some extra effort and most likely you will be rewarded.

Lucee Lit,

What do you think Lady E?

2nd response:
Guess what…
you are not ready for marriage. You should not even propose at this point. Many people, men and women alike, are not sexual individuals. That is simply how some people are. I find it strange that you assume because of her lack of interest you will cheat on her. I do not know one single person that has cheated on a wife/husband simply because they were unsatisfied sexually at home. In order to cheat on someone you love, committed to and made vows to there is more then a sexual disconnect. There is another problem somewhere and unfortunately, I cannot help you with that.

You need to communicate, maybe she is sexual but she is displeased with how you deliver the goods. Maybe when you talk to her she will open up and let you know what the problem is. She may just tell you that is how she is and sex is not extremely important to her.

Say this aloud and see how dumb it sounds. I love my girlfriend and I want her to be my wife but she is dull as a box of rocks in the sack so I will end up cheating on her. Do you hear how immature that sounds? Does that sound like someone that should be thinking of marriage, absolutely not. Your girlfriend wants to marry you and believe me I know you have some jacked up qualities (because we all do) but she loves you anyone and sees you as her future husband. If you are unable to commit to her please do not propose to her and please do not encourage it when she speaks about it. Tell her you are not ready because you want to explore more. You and this girl may not be the right fit and frankly, at 23 I think there is more fun out there for you to have.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

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