Thursday, December 22, 2011

Facebook, ruining relationships one comment at a time.

Our next question comes from a victim

..................... of the evil cyber world of facebook.

This sounds interesting! boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, I recently went on his Facebook and saw some of his comments to this one particular female. He.called her sexy, he use to call me that. He also commented that he would like for her to take him away with her, but he quickly put "lol" at the end. And for them to meet up and have drinks one the kicker...I am not on his Facebook....he said that he needs his space, and he gets that through Facebook. Am I over reacting or do I have something to worry about? Oh...he said it was harmless flirting...yea I confronted him about it. Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: Need we say anymore?

But we will...

This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

1st response:
I think people take facebook way to serious.
Social networking has been the death of many relationships. It is part of the reason I only use it for business purposes. Many times you can see things that mean absolutely nothing and many times people try and portray things that just simply are not reality. The internet in general allows people to be who they want because it eliminates the fear of being caught. We have an article titled, I am attracted to someone else and it’s ok, at you may want to check it out.

While I think it is ok to look, there is a fine line between what is disrepectful. While he may not have met the girl for drinks and while he may not have done anything, notice I say may, I am sure you feel disrespected it is now up to you to you to decide if you will tolerate the disrespect. Is it that big of a deal to you? Do you find yourself doing the same things? If so, drop it. If the problem is that he called the other girl sexy, and he doesn’t tell you that anymore, communicate that to him.

The fact that you felt the need to check his facebook says enough to me that you don’t trust him and that there is probably a good reason why. Most people give trust until the trust is broken. Don’t go looking for answers if you are not ready, always be prepared for what you find. You should have waited to comfort him until you had solid evidence that something went on. Pick your battles, now he will most definitely change his password, and now you have nothing.

But don’t worry, everything eventually comes to light, a person can only hide their truth for so long. Trust me if he is cheating the signs are there, look for them. If you want to take it a step further, try what countless other girls have, make up a fake page with fake pictures and fake friends and try to get him to bite the bait. If he is smart, he will say he knew it was you, so be prepared.

That bull about needed space is complete foolishness. Do you really believe that? If he had nothing to hide he wouldn’t care. Guys get space by hanging out with the guys, going to the gym, even going to the strip club. When you need space from your partner you do stuff you like without your partner, not by rejecting their friend request.

So all in all, my advice is this.

Stay of facebook, if you want to stay in the relationship, which I assume you do, because your still in it, wait and watch and the truth will surface but if your gut is telling you that he is doing wrong, do yourself a favor and get out now and don’t waste anymore of your time. It’s been four years already.

Lucee Lit

2nd response:
Poor Naïve Girl,

You sound like such a sweet young lady but clearly naïve.
You are not allowed on his Facebook because he needs space? Really?!?!?! It is not even a good lie! He really does need some space and that space does not involve you. He may not want to end the relationship completely but it does sounds as if he wants to keep you around while he flirts and eventually, if he has not already, cheat on you. You sound relatively young and being with someone for 4 years is a long time, your relationship may have simply run its course. You are probably thinking he would never do that to you but unfortunately, he’s showing the signs you just do not want to see it. Listen to your gut, you obviously know something is going, if not you would not have asked for advice. Do not let him think his “harmless flirting” is acceptable because it is not. It is simple disrespect and no one deserves that.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

1 comment:

  1. The recipient of this advice said, Hi!! Your response was helpful and also just basically confirming what
    I already know...I did confront him about it. He apologized and kept
    on "assuring" me he is not cheating on me....I have my walls up and
    guard up.

    I do want to thank you for your input, you guys were very helpful. Thank you.

    Your new fan,
