Thursday, December 8, 2011

Damn Is That Your Face?

Our next question comes from a guy who refers to himself as ugly.

If our advice fails, atleast he's not this guy.

Well, we hope not anyway.


I've got an interesting problem. I'm a nice guy and by all means a pretty good catch with one exception: I'm not very good looking. At all. In fact, I'm ugly. Any hope for a guy like me who didn't win the genetic lottery or should I just get used to a lifetime of being "an excellent friend?"


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team and has received 2 responses:

1st response:
This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

Dear Unattractive,

You sound like a confident man. You know what a great catch you are and that is a productive attitude to have. Make sure this confidence is evident, do not hold your head down low or appear awkward. Women can spot these attributes and they will run in the opposite direction. As women, we have some many issues the last thing we need is a man with “self esteem issues”. Keep the confidence up!

Oftentimes we do not realize our faults; it is great that you are fully aware of yours. Although being unattractive is an obstacle, you are in no way doomed for a lifetime of romantic loneliness. I have a few questions for your, do you dress nicely, have a great attitude are you an all around a good guy? If you are lacking in any of these areas you will want to fix that immediately to increase your chances of attracting more women.

Many relationships stem from amazing friendships. Develop the friendships you have with women and when you see potential become her best friend. Be there for her when she needs you and if it is meant to be her eyes will open and she will see what a great man you are. Honestly if a woman gets to know you and refuses to give, you chance because she sees you as unattractive do you really want that bitch anyway? I hope you said “No”.

Lady E

2nd response:
Dear Confident, Amazing, Handsome Man, (sound good? Believe it!)

I was saddened and confused by your email. Who told you that you were ugly? And who the hell are they to tell you such a thing?! Why do you feel this way? What a poor self image to have of yourself. Perk up! Looks only matter to shallow people, step it up in other areas.
Everyone has something special about them. I am more than sure you have so much to offer if you choose to. You have to think higher of yourself before anyone else will.

My advice to you would be to do things that make you feel better about you, dress up nice, go to the gym, whatever makes you feel better. You need to watch your thoughts. Dismiss negative thoughts, and instead make affirmations about how attractive you are. I want you to make claims such as, “I am confident. I am a good catch. I will meet my dream woman today.” Try saying these things every day. It is not enough to just say these things you need to believe in them. I am one of those people who believes that you can have what you want. If you want love, a relationship, or sex it is only a matter of time before you find it but you can’t think of it from and aspect of not having those things.

Even with your negative thoughts, you still sound confident. So I know there is a confident man there, you said, “I'm a nice guy and by all means a pretty good catch,” focus on that instead of focusing on what you feel you are lacking. I really believe if you change your thinking women will see this new confidence and confidence is extremely attractive. However, there is a fine line between confident and arrogant find a happy medium and you will be fine. Also I would say get out more, be more social. Go new places where you can meet other singles and also try online dating.

Lucee Lit

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

1 comment:

  1. The recipient of this advice said, "Though it all sounded nice, it wasn't exactly practical. The "get out there more," or "let love grow from friendship," or "hang in there," or my personal favorite "don't be so down on yourself" arguments are well meaning but don't apply to my experiences in the real world. I had already tried what you said and it didn't work. And that's okay. Life isn't fair or perfect for any of us. I'll keep trucking and, as my favorite characters in a movie say, "get the shit kicked out of (me) by love."

    All that being said, I believe you guys are doing good work and I'd love to see you keep it up. Just because you weren't of particular use to me doesn't mean you won't be fantastic for someone else. And when you consider the value of helping even a single person (priceless), it all becomes worth it."
