Thursday, December 22, 2011

Facebook, ruining relationships one comment at a time.

Our next question comes from a victim

..................... of the evil cyber world of facebook.

This sounds interesting! boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, I recently went on his Facebook and saw some of his comments to this one particular female. He.called her sexy, he use to call me that. He also commented that he would like for her to take him away with her, but he quickly put "lol" at the end. And for them to meet up and have drinks one the kicker...I am not on his Facebook....he said that he needs his space, and he gets that through Facebook. Am I over reacting or do I have something to worry about? Oh...he said it was harmless flirting...yea I confronted him about it. Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: Need we say anymore?

But we will...

This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

1st response:
I think people take facebook way to serious.
Social networking has been the death of many relationships. It is part of the reason I only use it for business purposes. Many times you can see things that mean absolutely nothing and many times people try and portray things that just simply are not reality. The internet in general allows people to be who they want because it eliminates the fear of being caught. We have an article titled, I am attracted to someone else and it’s ok, at you may want to check it out.

While I think it is ok to look, there is a fine line between what is disrepectful. While he may not have met the girl for drinks and while he may not have done anything, notice I say may, I am sure you feel disrespected it is now up to you to you to decide if you will tolerate the disrespect. Is it that big of a deal to you? Do you find yourself doing the same things? If so, drop it. If the problem is that he called the other girl sexy, and he doesn’t tell you that anymore, communicate that to him.

The fact that you felt the need to check his facebook says enough to me that you don’t trust him and that there is probably a good reason why. Most people give trust until the trust is broken. Don’t go looking for answers if you are not ready, always be prepared for what you find. You should have waited to comfort him until you had solid evidence that something went on. Pick your battles, now he will most definitely change his password, and now you have nothing.

But don’t worry, everything eventually comes to light, a person can only hide their truth for so long. Trust me if he is cheating the signs are there, look for them. If you want to take it a step further, try what countless other girls have, make up a fake page with fake pictures and fake friends and try to get him to bite the bait. If he is smart, he will say he knew it was you, so be prepared.

That bull about needed space is complete foolishness. Do you really believe that? If he had nothing to hide he wouldn’t care. Guys get space by hanging out with the guys, going to the gym, even going to the strip club. When you need space from your partner you do stuff you like without your partner, not by rejecting their friend request.

So all in all, my advice is this.

Stay of facebook, if you want to stay in the relationship, which I assume you do, because your still in it, wait and watch and the truth will surface but if your gut is telling you that he is doing wrong, do yourself a favor and get out now and don’t waste anymore of your time. It’s been four years already.

Lucee Lit

2nd response:
Poor Naïve Girl,

You sound like such a sweet young lady but clearly naïve.
You are not allowed on his Facebook because he needs space? Really?!?!?! It is not even a good lie! He really does need some space and that space does not involve you. He may not want to end the relationship completely but it does sounds as if he wants to keep you around while he flirts and eventually, if he has not already, cheat on you. You sound relatively young and being with someone for 4 years is a long time, your relationship may have simply run its course. You are probably thinking he would never do that to you but unfortunately, he’s showing the signs you just do not want to see it. Listen to your gut, you obviously know something is going, if not you would not have asked for advice. Do not let him think his “harmless flirting” is acceptable because it is not. It is simple disrespect and no one deserves that.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

Monday, December 12, 2011

Too soon! Dont do it! Reconsider!

This question comes from a sex craved man on the verge of tappin some new new unless his old lady starts serving it up.

Hi I’m 23 white male .I been with my girl friend for 2 years. She want to get married and I do to but I feel like I want to satisfies my sex desires But she is not into having sex that much and she don’t like trying new things. I love her and feel like I might mess things up by cheating. Please help.


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

Dear Blue Balls,

1st response:
I say that you are two young to think about marriage right now especially with a pending problem. It really does not sound like you are sure if she is really “the one.” To me, it sounds like you need to weigh your options. What is more important? If sex is more important, and to some people it is, and that’s ok, then you may need to find someone else. If sex is not that important, then stay with your current girlfriend and invest in some toys or lotion.

Try asking her about her fantasies, everyone has one. Ask her if she is still attracted to you. If you do not communicate it will only get worse. Think about it, if she is 23 and doesn’t want to have sex imagine if she is 40!

Often times, for women, sex is emotional. If you want to make it work then try to connect with your girlfriend on a deeper level. Spend more time talking to her, touching her without the expectation of sex, send cards, send sweet texts, go on dates ect. Communicate with her, tell her how you feel and discuss how you can make it better. She could be stressed, do nice things to relieve that stress, light candles, run hot bubble baths, rub her feet. Put in some extra effort and most likely you will be rewarded.

Lucee Lit,

What do you think Lady E?

2nd response:
Guess what…
you are not ready for marriage. You should not even propose at this point. Many people, men and women alike, are not sexual individuals. That is simply how some people are. I find it strange that you assume because of her lack of interest you will cheat on her. I do not know one single person that has cheated on a wife/husband simply because they were unsatisfied sexually at home. In order to cheat on someone you love, committed to and made vows to there is more then a sexual disconnect. There is another problem somewhere and unfortunately, I cannot help you with that.

You need to communicate, maybe she is sexual but she is displeased with how you deliver the goods. Maybe when you talk to her she will open up and let you know what the problem is. She may just tell you that is how she is and sex is not extremely important to her.

Say this aloud and see how dumb it sounds. I love my girlfriend and I want her to be my wife but she is dull as a box of rocks in the sack so I will end up cheating on her. Do you hear how immature that sounds? Does that sound like someone that should be thinking of marriage, absolutely not. Your girlfriend wants to marry you and believe me I know you have some jacked up qualities (because we all do) but she loves you anyone and sees you as her future husband. If you are unable to commit to her please do not propose to her and please do not encourage it when she speaks about it. Tell her you are not ready because you want to explore more. You and this girl may not be the right fit and frankly, at 23 I think there is more fun out there for you to have.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

Friday, December 9, 2011

Faithfully Yours???

This question comes from a confused woman torn by love and lust.

Ok here is some background. I've been dating the same guy for 2 years now and he is the greatest. He does nothing wrong. He tells me I'm beautiful all the time. He takes me out when he can. He's forgiven me for my jealous tendencies and stuck with me through my ups and downs which directly affect him. He's attractive and knows how to please me and I love him, he is my best friend.

I love the idea of marrying him and having a family one day. Yet I still find myself looking at other guys and thinking it'd be nice to mess around. I have no interest whatsoever in a relationship other than the one I'm already in. I love my boyfriend but I feel like I am lacking a passion for him. I had a boyfriend before this current one and I could not see other guys despite him being a jack ass and now I have the perfect boyfriend and I can't help but notice other guys.

What do I do? Is this normal for one who says they are in love?
While my current boyfriend and I haven't broken up before he has given me plenty of space when I express the desire for it and I've even confessed to him being unsure about my feelings. When I did try to break up with him for having these feelings he fought to get me back and I cried endlessly just thinking about our separation. I'm so mad at myself and I can't tell what it
is I need to be happy in this otherwise wonderful relationship. Or whether I should be in a relationship at all.


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

Dear Confused,

1st response:
Your boyfriend sounds like a good guy and I would hate for you to end up looking like BooBoo The Fool for ending a great relationship.You must be a young woman because an older woman would tell you passion fades. If you think after marriage, kids and 15 years passion is still there you are living in a dream world.

For this guy to have such great qualities it’s incredibly immature of you to whine about a lack of passion. You do not want to look back 10 years from now wondering what ever happened to the greatest man you’ve ever met. Do you seriously think you will find another man as great as the one you have? If you think so then you are thinking a little too highly of yourself. I understand that you can’t help how you feel but you need to get over and get over it fast. This man may love you but you are a fool if you think for a second he won’t get fed up with your “confusion” and leave your happy ass.

I’m not trying to be harsh but you need to snap out of it and NOW! Passion fades but love, admiration and respect doesn’t if you are with the right person. Get it together honey before you lose a good man and he finds a woman that appreciates him and doesn’t let her childish expectation cloud her judgment.

Lady E

2nd response
It is completely normal for you to find yourself looking at other men. I am proud of you for recognizing this and having the courage to speak up and communicate this to your boyfriend. While Lady E may think this is childish I think it shows maturity. The worst thing for you to do would be to get married before acknowledging and confronting these feelings.

It is 2011 the days of calling women hoe bags for wanting sexual exploration is over. Do not live by anyone’s rules other than your own. You sound like an honest woman and you sound like you have a good man you. Things can work out. This is just a block that you have to get past.
You said that he pleases you, but does he please you sexually? If not open up communication and let him know things that he can do better, without killing his ego. Is introducing new fun toys an option?

You also said, “He's forgiven me for my jealous tendencies and stuck with me through my ups and downs which directly affect him.” This made me think that you may have already cheated on him. Is this the case?

I got the impression that you may still be in love with the ex that did you wrong. There may be a void that you need to address before you can move on with the current boyfriend. Did you have time to be single after that relationship? Every girl needs a chance to be single. It is during that time that you learn so much about who you are and what you want.
From what you wrote my advice would be to take a break. You sound young. See if this relationship is what you really want. Get whatever this is out of your system. Make sure to explain to your boyfriend that you love him but this is something that you need to do for yourself and has nothing to do with him. While he may be hurt he needs to respect your hon. If he loves you he will still be there for you. It is better for you to be honest now than for you to cheat later.

Lucee Lit

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hold Up Hold Up Hold Up Whoa There...Sir

Celebs are doing it so it's only fitting that we can too...

Our next question comes from a cheating husband who wonders if an open relationship can save his marriage.

I saw your posting and thought I would take a chance. I have asked family and friends for advice but each it bias.

My wife and I have been married 15 years and together for 17. We have two children 14 and 11. I owned my own companies for 14 years. From 2008-2010 my second business was failing mizerably and my wife had to go back to work after being a stay at home mom for 5 years. Finally the business was foreclosed on and I had to file bankruptcy. 3 months later I was able to land a job that requires me to travel, but still in the same industry.

In the last 6 years of our marriage my wife has caught me in affairs 3times. The most recent was in May 2011. The next day she had mentioned an open marriage. I had to go back out of town for a week and when I came back she wanted a divorce. Since then I have been in therapy for sexual addiction and depression. Recently I have found out that my wife has been having an affair for just over a year with a co-worker who is also married.

My question is 2 parts. Do you believe there is a way to win my wife back, and if so what are your recommendations? If not do you think it is my place to inform the other wife of her husbands indescretions?

If you should need any further information I would be open to answering any questions.


Your question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

1st response:
Dear 17 years, 2 kids and countless affairs,

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, pump your breaks before you crash and burn.

I would like to address the second question first. Absolutely in no way should you inform the other wife of her husband’s indiscretions. As someone who has had an affair or two, or three, or four, himself I am shocked that this even crossed your mind.

Reason number one: It is not your place.
Number two: You are only going to cause more hurt for everyone involved.
Number three: Women’s intuition is all a woman needs. Your wife didn’t have a problem catching you, did she? The wife will figure it out on her own, if she doesn’t already know. Number four: Your motives are wrong. If you tell, I guarantee you it will backfire.
Number five: You never know how the other wife will react. People do not play when it comes to marriage, cheating, and vows. She could seek revenge on your wife. Husband and wives have killed over infidelity, and I hope you don’t want that.

With that being said your focus should be on your family. I assume that is what is important to you because you are writing asking for help. Do you love your wife? Do you love kids? Do you protect yourself? I hope the answer to all of these is yes. If you do not protect yourself while you are cheating then I have to say I do not think you deserve your wife, family or another chance because if you don’t, not only do you not respect your wife, but you don’t respect yourself.

Family and friends may give good advice but as you said it will always be bias. Stop telling them your business.

You said, “In the last 6 years of our marriage my wife has caught me in affairs 3times.”
Which means, there probably were more, you just didn’t get caught. I am not sure why you feel the need to cheat or why you are trying to hold on to this marriage but these are things you seriously need to sit down and consider. Sometimes it’s ok to walk away and start a new relationship. But if you do not address your issues these same problems will follow you to the next relationship.

If you do want to make it work, I would suggest asking your wife if she is still open to an open relationship, as I have to say, I do not think you will stop cheating. You got caught three times and still kept cheating. On top of your cheating, now she has stepped outside of the relationship as well. Both of you have already opened dangerous doors letting others into your relationship. Can you trust her again? Can she trust you?

If an open relationship is still a possibility go for it, however, an open relationship is not going to work if you all are unhappy with each other. The only way I see that working is if both people are not jealous and they love each other enough to say, I do not want to put boundaries on you. It seems that you both want an open relationship just so you are not breaking up the family but can still sleep around. I am not sure what but there is obviously a deeper problem in this relationship that needs to be addressed before it can go in any direction. There is a quote I read on Daily Gossip given by recording artist Trey Songs about his take on open relationships,

“When I settle down and meet that one I don’t even think that’s a conversation I could have about what her and I understanding would be,” he says. “That’s based on who she is and what she’s with. Were about to do everything together baby. We’ll talk about it and if that’s something she’s open to then I might be open to it. If she’s not then were not doing it. It’s all about who you fall in love with.”
The importance of this quote is the last sentence. “It’s all about who you fall in love with.” You know your wife better than I. Who did you fall in love with? Will and open relationship really work with her? Be realistic with your expectations.

I have to say that I find you extremely selfish. I am not 100 percent, but from your letter you seem like you want your wife to yourself, while you do whatever you want. What other reason would you want to tell the other wife? You cannot be selfish in relationships; it is suppose to be a give and take, a partnership.

Why are you depressed? You knew what you were doing when you did it? Stop feeling guilty for yourself and get it together and try and rebuild with your wife if that’s what you want. I am sure that you would have to go to extreme measure to get her back at this point but if it’s worth it, that is my suggestion. Prepare yourself that she may not want to be with you at this point, but it you want it I say do back flips if you have to!

Stay focused on what you can do better and not what she is doing. I am all for families being together and I hope that you guys can work it out. Don’t add anymore hurt to your wife and kids. If she does not agree to an open marriage then it may be best to walk away if you cannot be faithful.

It seems like you all have been together since you were young, people change, I am sure you all are not the same people when you met each other. Both have to want it just as bad as the other person. You and your wife need to sit down and talk asap.

Lucee Lit

2nd response:
Dear Mr. Too Late,

The situation you are in is too much to ask numerous family and friends. At most, you should have only asked two people! Do not go around asking too many people for advice on such a personal problem. The last thing your wife needs is everyone knowing how much of a douche bag you are. Not matter how fucked up a marriage, women will hide the truth at all costs. Women feel like a failure when a marriage ends no matter who’s at fault.

I noticed you said your wife has caught you 3 times, clearly indicating you have cheated on her countless times.

You have ruined your family and there is no way to get it back. Even if she does not follow through with the divorce it will never be the same and the chances of her forgiving you is highly unlikely. This woman has been your wife for 15 years, had your children, was a homemaker (which sucks!) and was there through your bankruptcy and you show her the ultimate disrespect by having multiple affairs. You will never have the love of your wife again and I am sorry to be the one to tell you that. Hypersexuality is a life-altering situation and it ruins lives, as you have demonstrated and I am glad you are getting help. This help will only benefit you in future relationships because your marriage is over.

I can almost tell you what your wife is thinking. She suggested an open marriage thinking she did not want to be a failure, file for divorce, and tear her family apart. In addition, her lover is whispering sweet nothings in her hear telling her he would never treat her that way. In reality he is no better then you because he also has a wife. After contemplating this while you were away, she could not stop imaging you with yet another woman and she could not take it any longer. She talked to a close friend and that friend told her she deserved better. That friend also told her she needed to set an example for her kids. If you have girls, she is thinking I do not want my daughters to think this type behavior is appropriate. If you have boys, she is thinking I would never want them to grow up thinking its okay to treat women this way. Your children are unaware of the logistics between you and your wife but they have seen their mother cry, they have heard her crying to friends and they know the hurt stems from their father. Look at what you have done…

On top of your outrageous and selfish behavior, you feel the need to inform the other wife of her husband cheating? You have some giant balls to think it is your place. You may have convinced yourself that you are only trying to help but that is not your true motive. You are demonstrating clear narcissistic behavior, you believe after years of mistreating your family you can get counseling and win your wife back. You also think being such a nice person (which you clearly are not); you will save the other wife from heartache. You selfish bastard! Leave that marriage alone and let your wife go.

If you ever really loved her, you want her to be happy and you must realize she will never be happy with you again, let her go and find her happiness. That is the only loving thing left you can do for her.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

Damn Is That Your Face?

Our next question comes from a guy who refers to himself as ugly.

If our advice fails, atleast he's not this guy.

Well, we hope not anyway.


I've got an interesting problem. I'm a nice guy and by all means a pretty good catch with one exception: I'm not very good looking. At all. In fact, I'm ugly. Any hope for a guy like me who didn't win the genetic lottery or should I just get used to a lifetime of being "an excellent friend?"


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team and has received 2 responses:

1st response:
This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

Dear Unattractive,

You sound like a confident man. You know what a great catch you are and that is a productive attitude to have. Make sure this confidence is evident, do not hold your head down low or appear awkward. Women can spot these attributes and they will run in the opposite direction. As women, we have some many issues the last thing we need is a man with “self esteem issues”. Keep the confidence up!

Oftentimes we do not realize our faults; it is great that you are fully aware of yours. Although being unattractive is an obstacle, you are in no way doomed for a lifetime of romantic loneliness. I have a few questions for your, do you dress nicely, have a great attitude are you an all around a good guy? If you are lacking in any of these areas you will want to fix that immediately to increase your chances of attracting more women.

Many relationships stem from amazing friendships. Develop the friendships you have with women and when you see potential become her best friend. Be there for her when she needs you and if it is meant to be her eyes will open and she will see what a great man you are. Honestly if a woman gets to know you and refuses to give, you chance because she sees you as unattractive do you really want that bitch anyway? I hope you said “No”.

Lady E

2nd response:
Dear Confident, Amazing, Handsome Man, (sound good? Believe it!)

I was saddened and confused by your email. Who told you that you were ugly? And who the hell are they to tell you such a thing?! Why do you feel this way? What a poor self image to have of yourself. Perk up! Looks only matter to shallow people, step it up in other areas.
Everyone has something special about them. I am more than sure you have so much to offer if you choose to. You have to think higher of yourself before anyone else will.

My advice to you would be to do things that make you feel better about you, dress up nice, go to the gym, whatever makes you feel better. You need to watch your thoughts. Dismiss negative thoughts, and instead make affirmations about how attractive you are. I want you to make claims such as, “I am confident. I am a good catch. I will meet my dream woman today.” Try saying these things every day. It is not enough to just say these things you need to believe in them. I am one of those people who believes that you can have what you want. If you want love, a relationship, or sex it is only a matter of time before you find it but you can’t think of it from and aspect of not having those things.

Even with your negative thoughts, you still sound confident. So I know there is a confident man there, you said, “I'm a nice guy and by all means a pretty good catch,” focus on that instead of focusing on what you feel you are lacking. I really believe if you change your thinking women will see this new confidence and confidence is extremely attractive. However, there is a fine line between confident and arrogant find a happy medium and you will be fine. Also I would say get out more, be more social. Go new places where you can meet other singles and also try online dating.

Lucee Lit

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trust Me If You Can...

Another question emailed to us @


I have been dating a woman that does not trust me at all. I caused this distrust early in our relationship. Since then, I have given her open access to my email, phone records etc. She still does not trust me and I am being 100% true to her. Are we wasting our time? Will there ever be a trusting, loving relationship?


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team and has received 2 responses:

1st response:
The fact that you asked for help says a lot to me about your character and your dedication to your relationship. That is honorable. I would like to tell you that this excessive, "let me prove my love," will not work for your relationship. You will never be able to prove yourself to her enough. She is hurt and it is going to take time for her to get over it; but she has to want the relationship to work and she is going to have to want things to get better.

So many times women say they want things to get better but then they hold on to the negative. If you have made it up in your mind that you would like to change, and be faithful, now it is her turn and if she is as dedicated to this as you are then you will be fine.

I do wonder, what was the reason for cheating? Is there something missing in the relationship or within yourself? If so then this needs to be addressed or it will happen again. If you cheated just because it was early on in the relationship, honestly, many people do. There is a fine line in the beginning stages where you are learning how to be a partnership with someone new. Are we talking, dating, do we go together? It can be a confusing time. I am sure not as confusing as the present.

Communication is most important. People make mistakes, don't beat yourself up about it, and don't let her make you feel bad about it any longer, if you have in fact changed. I am sure that you have apologized and if you didn't do that now, like right now! But seriously there is nothing that you can do about it now except talk it out or move on. Sit her down and tell her how you feel. If you want to build with her, I believe there is hope, but she is going to have to work with you, understand that you are human, and forgive you. Really it is up to her to make the relationship work if you have decided already this is what you want. Is this relationship what you want?

Lucee Lit

2nd response:
Trust is such a precious thing and when it is destroyed sometimes, there is no repair to the relationship. You have taken the steps needed but it is not enough. You need to declare your love for her in a major way. She needs to see more then effort she needs extraordinary! Plan something special you two have never done before. At the end of the night, tell her how you feel, your love for her and the regret felt from your previous indiscretions. Tell her if she is unable to forgive you, it will not last and you have to let her go to find her happiness because that is how much you love her. Put the ball in her court. Although she will not be able to forget, she will see the sincerity and realize how much she loves you and the thoughts in her head will not be as prominent. If she cannot get past the trust issues either she will tell you or you will see the doubt in her face.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

"Let's have a toast for the douchebags, Let's have a toast for the assholes, Let's have a toast for the scumbags, Every one of them that I know." Kanye West

Here is another question emailed to us @ for free relationship advice, like always, we keep the names anonymous.


How do you tell if a porn star enjoyed the date she went on?


Blank Stare. Does this even deserve a response?

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team

Just in time for the Holidays...It's better to give than to receive.

This is our 1st email for our free relationship advice, names will remain anonymous.


Ok, I'll bite. (I figure either this is a scam or you're only interested in advising women, but, what the heck...)

I'm an old unhappily married male, in decent shape for my age. I would love to submit (in lots of ways) to a group of women. They wouldn't have to be concerned about my cock--although it is functional I don't particularly want to use it--I want to use my tongue.

How can I write some ads that will get the interest of the type of women who would be interested?


We love giving advice to anyone that seeks assistance!

First off are you sure, your wife wouldn’t participate in this type of sexual exploration? If you are confident, she would not then it is better to leave her out this. I will say you have no idea the type of sexual thoughts that goes through her head. She may be on the verge of having sexual escapades herself. You may want to engage her a little or try some new things and see how it goes.
If you are confident, you would not want her participation I say be straightforward in your ads.

Women LOVE some tongue action. Most men think the power is in the penis, HA yea right! The email you sent sounded like an ad to me; look at my revisions below. In addition, if you are looking for a certain type of women such as age you should include that but to me you sound like a man of adventure so I would not limit yourself to one age category.

In addition, I know quite a few people that have enjoyed the services of affair related websites that are strictly for married persons seeking discretion and a good time.

I am an older married white male, in decent shape, seeking safe, fun, submissive adventure. Tell me how I can please you with my mouth…

One last thing, try communicating your sexual needs to your wife. I am sure she may enjoy some tongue action as well. How unhappy can you be while you are getting your box ate? Who knows she may even surprise you!

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

Monday, December 5, 2011

I am attracted to someone else and it’s ok.

Let’s just be honest. Once you find yourself in a relationship your eyes automatically are programmed to solely be attracted to that one person. Is that the way it works for you? Oh it’s not? So then why are there countless arguments about this subject? Many people place higher expectations on others than they do themselves. I am here to tell you STOP. That is the quickest way to find yourself on the single’s bus to lonleyville. There are millions, well maybe not millions, but there are attractive people in the world. Sometimes your partner will look and it’s ok, drooling is prohibited! Acceptance is respected. Cheating is…, well that’s another blog.