Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pickup lines are for Losers

I'm having a problem picking up women a lot of time ill build up enough to walk up to them and not know what to say so do you have any pointers on what I should do next time.


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 1 response:

1st response:
You are in the city of women and beautiful women at that. I am sure date life can be frustrating and scary. Most importantly get rid of everything you think you know and change your mind set and stop trying to “pick up women,” your words. My suggestions would be,

1.Try and try again. The more you get in the routine of approaching women the easier it will be. Also the more you approach women the greater your chances will be in getting a yes.

2.Start of by just saying hello. Pickup lines are the dumbest thing a man ever though of. If she is interested she will make time for conversation with you. Don’t start off by what is your name can I have your number. You might as well hop on the nearest bus to rejectville.

3.Make her laugh.

4.Avoid women in large numbers. If you are fearful it will show and her friends will clown you either in your face or behind your back.

5.Find away to set yourself apart from other men. Don’t act like a dog and don’t treat her like meat. She is a human.

6.Don’t be too needy, if you do get the number do not call her all day long.

7.Be yourself and be natural- No matter how many times this is said men don't listen! Trying to be someone else come across awkward.

8.Be confident- this cannot be said enough. Confidence is so sexy!

9.Prepare for the worst- It’s really not that bad, the worst she can say is no. So what! You didn’t know her before and you will live without her!

10.Take away the pressure- Dating should be fun. Don’t take yourself or the situation so serious.

Lucee Lit

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team!/bloggaffair

1 comment:

  1. The recipient of this advice said, "The advice is great and it worked I'm picking up a lot more girls now."
