Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's about to be a WHAT?... Girl Fight!

Well maybe not; but it sounds good! Our next question comes from a lonely lesbian lustfully craving for affection.

30 aggressive fem my girl is 25 dom we never see eye to eye...its like shes more feminine then me like the roles should be switched. I moved to deleware and shes still in baltimore and doesn’t want to leave her so called friends.. its been almost a year... im lonely and tired of bein by myself . is it wrong to have a open relationship and meet other ppl for friends maybe sex

This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

Dear Lonely and Tired,

1st response:
Maybe I am completely clueless about lesbian love, but I am confused as to how her femininity is a problem. Obviously you are attracted to female qualities or else you would be with a man. Some people are just not meant to be and you know better than I if this is the case with you and your partner. Arguments are necessary for any healthy relationship but should never outweigh the good times.

From what you wrote it sounds like you may feel the need to be in control and are not in this relationship, it’s ok not to have control over everything. You need to find out where this need is coming from or this problem will follow you in each relationship you have, romantic and platonic.

Why did you move to Delaware? If you were going to move to be closer to her why didn’t you move to Baltimore? Baltimore and Delaware are not far at all if you both want to make it work it is very possible. Honestly, I feel like you are being selfish. You want her to leave her life and friends to be with someone who comes across as bitter and selfish. It seems like you are looking for her to fill a void. I am not trying to be mean at all I just want you to be aware of how you come across so that you can make the adjustments. I promise you that if you do, you will be a much happier person. You may not know it but this may be why you are in the situation at hand. You have been given the opportunity to really get to know you.

Lonely is a natural feeling but everyone needs time to their selves to discover. Use this time wisely and do not be angry at anyone for your situation. You hold the key to your happiness.

As far as an open relationship, it is not open if your girl does not know about it. It seems that this is not really what you want and that you are just doing it to again fill a void. My suggestion is to accept that fact that you are in Delaware and embrace it. If you and you girlfriend are meant to be, I know this sounds cliché’, but really, it will be, and it will be easy and will not feel forced.

Best of luck to you,

Lucee Lit

2nd response:
Sounds to me you need to drop this chick and keep it moving. Why waste your time when you never see eye to eye? Why waste your time just to have an open relationship? You two are even in different states for goodness sake! Why can’t you let her go and go about your business? Seriously get it together, find someone new or stay unattached and just have a good time.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

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