Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's a hoe down dirty shame...

Our next question comes from a husband whose wife just earn the SLUTMUFFIN LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD. Congratulations Hoe!

Hello. Back in May of this year I found out my wife was having an affair with one of my best friends since February and I'm really crushed by it. Not only did they hide it from me, but many of my other "friends" knew about it and collectively decided not to tell me what was going on. It gets worse because I had exhausted all of my options trying to figure out a solution to our problems and in April she convinced me to have a threesome with him and her, hoping that would cover up the fact that they had already been getting it in. I'm devastated and now after 8 years of being faithful, I just want the touch of another woman. I've been searching on CL for months now and can't find anything real. I've forgiven her but I'm tired of fighting this urge. Any advice would be helpful. Thanx.


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 1 response:

Let us jump right into this! Your wife cheated on you, with your best friend, asked you to have a threesome as some sort of cover up and on top of that you were humiliated enough more because everyone knew except you?!?!?! Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?! If you have completely forgiven her, for which I seriously doubt, you deserve the saint of the year award. This only happened within in the last few months I do not see how you could have forgiven her, but I think you deserve some brownie points for trying to convince yourself you have. This woman, I am so sorry to say, is trifflin as hell. She isn’t even sorry for what she did because if she was she would have NEVER brought you in on such foolishness. Sometimes the only way to get someone to understand the hurt is to hurt them in the say way. Now that may sound childish on some level but if you want to stay together, she needs to understand the hurt that she has caused........... CRAIGSLIST.....

Craigslist is a great place to sell household goods but a terrible place to meet women. The only women you would find on CL are cam chat girls and you are looking for some down and dirty action here but if you are looking for hoes they would may be of better quality than the one you currently have at home. Always start close to home when you are looking for someone, such as friends or friends of friends. Most of the time someone closes to you has always desired you. If that does not work, go out and meet people. With time, patients and consistency you will surly find what you are looking for.

On another note, kick that bitch wife of yours and trifflin ass “best friend” of yours to the curb. They deserve each other.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team!/bloggaffair

Pickup lines are for Losers

I'm having a problem picking up women a lot of time ill build up enough to walk up to them and not know what to say so do you have any pointers on what I should do next time.


This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 1 response:

1st response:
You are in the city of women and beautiful women at that. I am sure date life can be frustrating and scary. Most importantly get rid of everything you think you know and change your mind set and stop trying to “pick up women,” your words. My suggestions would be,

1.Try and try again. The more you get in the routine of approaching women the easier it will be. Also the more you approach women the greater your chances will be in getting a yes.

2.Start of by just saying hello. Pickup lines are the dumbest thing a man ever though of. If she is interested she will make time for conversation with you. Don’t start off by what is your name can I have your number. You might as well hop on the nearest bus to rejectville.

3.Make her laugh.

4.Avoid women in large numbers. If you are fearful it will show and her friends will clown you either in your face or behind your back.

5.Find away to set yourself apart from other men. Don’t act like a dog and don’t treat her like meat. She is a human.

6.Don’t be too needy, if you do get the number do not call her all day long.

7.Be yourself and be natural- No matter how many times this is said men don't listen! Trying to be someone else come across awkward.

8.Be confident- this cannot be said enough. Confidence is so sexy!

9.Prepare for the worst- It’s really not that bad, the worst she can say is no. So what! You didn’t know her before and you will live without her!

10.Take away the pressure- Dating should be fun. Don’t take yourself or the situation so serious.

Lucee Lit

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

The Bloggaffair Team!/bloggaffair

It's about to be a WHAT?... Girl Fight!

Well maybe not; but it sounds good! Our next question comes from a lonely lesbian lustfully craving for affection.

30 aggressive fem my girl is 25 dom we never see eye to eye...its like shes more feminine then me like the roles should be switched. I moved to deleware and shes still in baltimore and doesn’t want to leave her so called friends.. its been almost a year... im lonely and tired of bein by myself . is it wrong to have a open relationship and meet other ppl for friends maybe sex

This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 2 responses:

Dear Lonely and Tired,

1st response:
Maybe I am completely clueless about lesbian love, but I am confused as to how her femininity is a problem. Obviously you are attracted to female qualities or else you would be with a man. Some people are just not meant to be and you know better than I if this is the case with you and your partner. Arguments are necessary for any healthy relationship but should never outweigh the good times.

From what you wrote it sounds like you may feel the need to be in control and are not in this relationship, it’s ok not to have control over everything. You need to find out where this need is coming from or this problem will follow you in each relationship you have, romantic and platonic.

Why did you move to Delaware? If you were going to move to be closer to her why didn’t you move to Baltimore? Baltimore and Delaware are not far at all if you both want to make it work it is very possible. Honestly, I feel like you are being selfish. You want her to leave her life and friends to be with someone who comes across as bitter and selfish. It seems like you are looking for her to fill a void. I am not trying to be mean at all I just want you to be aware of how you come across so that you can make the adjustments. I promise you that if you do, you will be a much happier person. You may not know it but this may be why you are in the situation at hand. You have been given the opportunity to really get to know you.

Lonely is a natural feeling but everyone needs time to their selves to discover. Use this time wisely and do not be angry at anyone for your situation. You hold the key to your happiness.

As far as an open relationship, it is not open if your girl does not know about it. It seems that this is not really what you want and that you are just doing it to again fill a void. My suggestion is to accept that fact that you are in Delaware and embrace it. If you and you girlfriend are meant to be, I know this sounds cliché’, but really, it will be, and it will be easy and will not feel forced.

Best of luck to you,

Lucee Lit

2nd response:
Sounds to me you need to drop this chick and keep it moving. Why waste your time when you never see eye to eye? Why waste your time just to have an open relationship? You two are even in different states for goodness sake! Why can’t you let her go and go about your business? Seriously get it together, find someone new or stay unattached and just have a good time.

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

This Right Here's A Panty Dropper...

Our next question comes from a gentlemen that loves panties so much I bet he can guess your panty size.

Im single and im finding i have a realy panty fetish and dont know the type of girl that will appreciate that or if a women even will? what do I do? is this a common fetish? panties just excite the hell out of me?

This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 1 response:

Never be ashamed of any type of fetish you may have.

Others have the same desires as you. I am not quite sure of the panty fetish you are speaking of specifically. No matter what the exact fetish is, you cannot just spring that it any woman! You will need to control your desire until your companion is comfortable with you and you have had sex a few times.
At first, make a small joke of it, later slip on a pair and see what happens. I will say you cannot put on a pair of women’s panties only to give her some lame dick action. Make sure your sex game is up to par and she will not give a crap what type of fetish you have.

On the other hand if you simply just enjoy seeing your woman wearing panties, that is no big deal. Buy her panties and assure her she looks fabulous. Build up her confidence and she will not mind prancing around in panties all the time. Just remember no matter what your fetish consists of do not spring it her. It takes time and a certain comfort level to explore sexually. If you dick her down well enough almost any woman can deal with a little freak sneaky!

Lady E

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Would you like to date this cutie petutie?

I was wondering if I was ugly or something cause its hard for me to find or even approach a girl sometimes.

This question was answered by the Bloggaffair team & has received 1 response:

Dear Cutie Pie,

Thank you for supplying a picture so we may better judge your level of attractiveness. I think you are quite cute so your problem is not your appearance.

I can only imagine your problem lies with inexperience or being shy. Learning to approach women takes time. Very few men are born with the ability to attract women. Women love a confident man, a man that can keep them laughing, a man that has something going for himself, and a man that seems different from other men. What is that thing that makes you special? Think about it and use that to your advantage.

Men have such a bad rep for being dogs,

setting yourself apart from stereotype will get you far. For example: Do not approach a woman saying I want to be your friend after she says she has a boyfriend. Instead try asking if he treats her right. Make her feel like you care but be genuine. 1st steps first you cannot talk to women if you do not have anything worth talking about. Stay away from lines and making her feel like an animal or a piece of ass.

Forget about what other people think and don’t be scared to take a chance. You are not ugly so chances are if you put yourself out there you will succeed. In addition, make sure you dress nice and stay away from tight jeans or hood looks. A woman worth your wild will not find either appealing. Dress like you have some sense, keep yourself looking nice and take care of your personal life and women will see that and they will begin to approach you. What city do you live in? Maybe we can try hooking you up on a date. What do you think?

Would you date him? If so, email us at

The date's on us!

Thank you for your question,
Best of Luck,
Hope this helps !